Flexitarian 101: Your Practical Guide to The Flexitarian Diet

Flexitarian 101: Your Practical Guide to The Flexitarian Diet

Flexitarian 101: Your Practical Guide to The Flexitarian Diet

The Flexitarian Diet is gaining momentum among individuals seeking a less rigid approach to vegan and vegetarianism. The Flexitarian Diet also referred to as a semi-vegetarian diet, emphasizes the consumption of minimally processed plant-based foods. It is gaining recognition for its potential to enhance human health, lessen environmental impact, and result in cost savings.

In the U.S. News Best Diets 2024 rankings, the Flexitarian diet secured the top spot in the Best Plant-Based Diets category(1). As expected, it also claimed the second position in the Easiest Diets to Follow category(1). Suggesting the Flexitarian lifestyle is less rigid (or more flexible) and helps people sustain it. 

This is probably due to the absence of strict rules or eliminations in the Flexitarian diet, allowing considerable flexibility for adjustments in line with an individual’s lifestyle objectives.


Sarah Harper in her kitchen with a cutting board, broccoli, carrots, and a fruit bowl.

Individualizing Your Flexitarian Diet

Research indicates that beyond achieving targeted weight loss, incorporating more plant-based foods and reducing meat or animal product consumption can enhance overall health outcomes (2-3). This includes reducing the risk of conditions like type II diabetes, heart disease, and cancer (2-3). Moreover, Flexitarian diets reduce meat consumption, and this lifestyle is considered planet and budget-friendly. 

If you decide to move toward a Flexitarian lifestyle, consider reflecting on your current diet and ask yourself why you are interested in this lifestyle shift. From semi-vegan to semi-vegetarian to semi-pescatarian, the Flexitarian lifestyle empowers individuals to customize their approach according to their specific goals.


7 seperate bowls and plates with roasted root vegetables, walnut salad dressing, pickled beets, walnuts, cooked quinoa, and mixed greens.

The Flexitarian Guidelines

The Flexitarian Guidelines are simple and as follows:

  • Focus on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.
  • Incorporate lots of non-meat proteins such as:
    • Semi-vegan: beans, peas, nuts, and seeds
    • Semi-vegetarian: the above plant-based proteins but also include eggs and dairy. 
    • Semi-pescatarian: similar to a semi-vegetarian, but it also includes seafood. 
  • Reduce meat portions and frequency of foods such as chicken, pork, and beef. 
  • Limit consumption of added sugars and highly processed foods. 


Rinsing asparagus for meal prepping

Examples of Mindful Meat Consumption

Mindful meat consumption can mean different things to different people. 

  • Person A might aim to consume 6-8 meatless meals per week, while another avoids purchasing meat at home or out at restaurants, but will dive right into their grandmother’s classic Roast Turkey at Thanksgiving. 
  • Person B may choose to eat entirely vegan before 6 pm, like New York Times Bestselling Author Mark Bittman’s diet VB6: Eat Vegan Before 6:00 pm

Whatever the flexitarian lifestyle looks like, the outcome is the same. Direct your diet to obtain more protein from non-meat sources.



Setting Yourself Up For Success

A poorly planned Vegan, Vegetarian, or Flexitarian diet may be low in nutrients such as protein, iron, vitamin D, and calcium. However, the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics reports a well-designed lifestyle can avoid those deficiencies (4). 

Especially, because unlike strict Vegans and Vegetarians, Flexitarians can meet their needs for protein with occasional animal-based protein sources such as meat and milk. 

Here are a few tips for success in a balanced Flexitarian diet:

  1. Incorporate protein powders and other nutritional supplements, such as Vitamin D, as needed.
  2. Utilize meal planning tools and prepare meals and snacks in advance.
  3. Keep Flexitarian ingredients readily available for convenient and swift last-minute meal preparations. Check out my Flexitarian Pantry Guide!

Ingredients in small bowls for Greek Salad Grain Bowls

My Favorite Flexitarian Resources For Inspiration

There are seemingly infinite books and resources on the internet geared toward plant-based eating! Just check out Google, Pinterest, and even social media channels like TikTok and Instagram. 

I have included a list of some of my favorite resources below.

Books & Cookbooks

Blogs & Websites

Social Media (so many, but these accounts/creators are phenomenal)

  • @nytcooking
  • @walderwellness
  • @plantbasedrd
  • @thebalancednutritionist
  • @cookingforpeanuts
  • @natnourishments
  • @sophsplantkitchen


Like this Article? Check Out More of My Educational Content!

How to Make A Smoothie: Advice from a Registered Dietitian

4 transparent images of smoothies in behind the text saying How to make a smoothie in various fonts.

32 Flexitarian Dinner Ideas

Featured Image for 23 Flexitarian Dinner Ideas with 4 pictures of a soup, noodle bowl, a veggie burger, and a smoked fish salad

Lets Talk About Tofu!

Is Tofu Vegan - 16 Tofu Recipe featured image with 4 tofu images transparent in the background.

How To Make A Flexitarian Breakfast

McDonalds Pancakes Recipe sliced down the middle with a peanut butter syrup


  1. https://health.usnews.com/best-diet/best-diets-overall
  2. Clem, J., & Barthel, B. (2021). A Look at Plant-Based Diets. Missouri Medicine, 118(3), 233–238.
  3. Ferguson, J. J., Oldmeadow, C., Mishra, G. D., & Garg, M. L. (2022). Plant-based dietary patterns are associated with lower body weight, BMI, and waist circumference in older Australian women. Public Health Nutrition, 25(1), 18–31. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1368980021003852
  4. Melina, V., Craig, W., & Levin, S. (2016). Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Vegetarian Diets. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 116(12), 1970–1980. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jand.2016.09.025


How to Make A Smoothie: Advise from a Registered Dietitian

How to Make A Smoothie: Advise from a Registered Dietitian

How to Make a Fantastic Smoothie

I am a registered dietitian training for the Willamette Valley Marathon, and I drink a protein smoothie almost daily.

Smoothies are a convenient and versatile way to supplement the diet when nutrient needs are increased. Nutrient needs increase in many situations such as when training for a marathon or other endurance sports, healing from surgery, suffering from an illness that has resulted in weight loss, loss of muscle mass, or malnutrition.

There are so many ways in which a smoothie can help individuals with their nutrition and wellness goals. But, I find many people do not know how to consistently make nutritious AND delicious smoothies.

Top down of smoothie ingredients. In the photo include banana, a blender container with milk and berries visible, and a small bowl to the right of the blender full of berries.

Learning About How to Make A Smoothie

Fruit Smoothies and other nutritional supplements can be a vital tool in helping individuals reach their wellness fitness, and HEALING goals. Healthy living is so much more than what you see in the mirror or on the scale. So, no matter the reason for your smoothie making, there is no need to make something that you can barely choke down!

That is why I decided to write this article on how to make a smoothie. Below, I will guide you on the ins and outs of how to make a fantastic smoothie. I’ll review my blueprint for amazing smoothies, how to make amazing smoothies, smoothie-making tips, and a little more about why supplementing the diet with a smoothie can help endurance athletes meet their nutrition and race day goals.

A wheel for how to make a fantastic smoothie with add in categories. In the bottom corners are several smoothies some green, one banana peanut butter, and another chocolate!

The Ingredients: Smoothies

My Basic Smoothie Blueprint has four categories, LiquidFruits/Veggies, Flavor, and Other. You can find many ingredient examples in the infographic below. However, let me explain why these are my four blueprint categories.

  • Liquid – The liquid serves as the foundation of the smoothie. It enables the ingredients to blend into a smooth beverage. Liquids can include juices like apples, pineapple, and orange juice or milk like oat milk, soy milk, or cow’s milk. 
  • Fruits/Veggies – Incorporating fruits and vegetables into your smoothie adds nutrition while also adding bulk and flavor to the blended beverage.
  • Flavor –  To further enhance the flavor, I’ll add various combinations of ingredients to my smoothies. 


  • Green Juice Smoothie: I add ginger and lemon juice to create fresh flavors with a bit of zing and zest. These two ingredients complement the green goodness of the smoothie. 
  • Almond Joy Smoothie: For a delightful smoothie reminiscent of the classic Almond Joy, I add dates, coconut, and cocoa powder. This combination brings together sweet, coconutty, and chocolate flavors.
  • Other – To enhance the nutritional profile of my smoothies, I often supplement them with a little something extra. Sometimes I add fiber, sometimes I add protein, and sometimes I add a bit of both!

Berry Bliss Smoothie is in a vitamix blender with glasses, one ripe banana, and frozen berries in the scene. The shot is strait on with a cream back drop.

The Steps to Making a Fantastic Smoothie

Making a fantastic smoothie does not need to be complicated. Below are my steps in creating my smoothie creations. 

First, choose and gather the ingredients.

Second, add the ingredients to a blender, starting with liquids. Blend until smooth.

  • Check consistency. If the smoothie is too thick, add more liquid.
  • If it’s too thin, add more frozen fruit or ice cubes.

Third, taste and adjust your smoothie creation. To this, taste a small amount of the smoothie and adjust flavors as needed, i.e. add vanilla extract for a touch more flavor.

A blender with a bright purple berry rhubarb smoothie in it just after blending

Smoothie Making Tips

Below are several tips I find helpful when creating fantastic smoothies. 

  • Use ripe flavorful fruits: If it doesn’t taste good outside of the smoothie it won’t taste as good inside the smoothie either. 
  • Add texture and protein: To make the smoothie more interesting and satisfying. 
  • Use a powerful blender: A powerful blender helps ensure lump-free smoothies. 
  • Easy cleanup: Rinse the blender immediately after blending for easy cleanup 

Troubleshooting: Forgoing foamy smoothies with bananas, healthy fats, and frozen fruit. 

  • Bananas help reduce foam in smoothies. 
  • Incorporating healthy fats like nut butter or full-fat yogurt can help prevent foam. 
  • Using frozen fruit instead of ice creates a creamier texture.

Top down of two peanut butter smoothies with a date caramel rim and a garnish of a sliced banana

Like This Article? Check Out These Smoothie Recipes!

Below are a few other educational articles and smoothie recipes

Green Juice Smoothie

Green juice smoothie in three different sized glasses garnished with lemon

Berry Rhubarb Smoothie


Almond Joy Smoothie

A chocolate brown smoothies in a mason jar rimmed with chocolate, toasted coconut, and chopped almonds


The Ultimate Shin Ramen Hacks

The Ultimate Shin Ramen Hacks

5 Shin Ramen Hacks!

Who doesn’t love an easy instant ramen bowl? No one. This is why I came up with these 5 Shin Ramen Hacks.

I do this to make my favorite ramen more filling and to meet my nutritional needs. In this article, I discuss 5 modifications to try if you want a bomb instant ramen meal.

  1. Veggies
  2. Protein
  3. Aromatic oils
  4. Fresh flavors
  5. Ramen broth

These modifications are simple, but the flavors are sublime. Before we dive into my 5 ultimate shin ramen hacks, a little on my favorite instant ramen, Shin Ramen (Ramyun).

My favorite Instant Ramen with an image of Shin Ramen and transparent ramen noodles in the background

Shin Ramyun

Shin Ramyun is a soft and chewy noodle combined with a spicy broth creating the perfect instant ramen. Fair warning, it is a spicy broth, be warned!

The spicy flavor has beef, mushrooms, carrots, and peppers. A Nongshim product, this ramen is increasing in popularity in the US but Korea is one of the largest consumers of Shin Ramyun.

For more about my favorite ramen noodle check out Nongshim’s page all about Shin Ramyun.

Bump Up The Veggies

My favorite shin ramen hack is simple – add vegetables!

Whether it’s a scoop of kimchi, a 1/4 cup of frozen veggies, or a handful of leafy greens, veggies bring beautiful colors and flavors.

In my Vegan Kimchi Instant Ramen recipe, I add both frozen veggies and spicy kimchi. These veggies add green, red, and golden hues to my steaming bowl of noodles and broth. I love how the kimchi adds spicy-sour flavors, while the frozen veggies (peas, corn, and edamame) add buttery and sweet pops to every bite.

vegan-kimchi-instant-ramen-ingredients including red kimchi with basil, 2 ramen noodle blocks, and frozen peas and corn.

Pack in the Protein

Adding protein to your shin ramen bowl is a scientifically proven way to increase that feeling of satiety (or fullness). Getting sufficient protein is also critical if you do 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week or are just being an active human.

Some of my favorite protein additions include:


Three Air Fryer Soft Boiled Eggs sliced in half and displayed on on a sage green plate

 More on Protein: Protein Noodles

Another protein option you probably didn’t think of is A protein-packed noodle!

Feeding multiple people with your instant ramen recipe? Add Shin ramen and some other protein-packed noodles all in the same pot! Who says you can’t use 2 different noodles?

Protein noodles are becoming more and more popular. From Barilla PROTEIN+™ Penne to Banza Chickpea Angel Hair Pasta to The Only Bean’s Soybean Spaghetti, we do not need to limit ourselves to wheat or rice noodles anymore!

Immi Instant Ramen has 21-22g protein and is 100% plant based.

A Protein Ramen Shout Out! 

If you are on a high-protein diet, it does not get much easier than making instant ramen that starts with 20+ of protein per package. Immi Instant Ramen is 100% plant-based and packed with protein.

They have yummy flavors such as Black Garlic “Chicken”, Tom Yum “Shrimp”, and Spicy “Beef”. My favorite flavor is the Tom Yum (Shrimp).



Add Aromatic Oils

Aromatic oil is the finishing oil one might drizzle over hot broth and ramen noodles. The definition of Aromatic oil is an oil that has been cooked with other ingredients and thus takes on those flavors.

Examples of aromatic oils:

  • Garlic oil
  • Chili oil
  • I also like to use toasted sesame oil. While this technically is not an “aromatic oil” it is loaded with a lovely and nutty sesame flavor and is an easy addition to any instant ramen bowl.

4 ramen bowls in each corner of the photo


Include Fresh Flavors

Now that you have added your aromatic oils, it is time to think about some other aromatics and flavors.

Try adding the following fresh flavors to your instant noodles:

  • Fresh herbs & scallions
  • Nori
  • Soy sauce & fish sauce
  • Rice wine vinegar
  • Peanut butter
  • Ginger
  • Citrus
  • Kimchi & pickled vegetables

Follow your taste buds and you can’t go wrong.

Bonus flavors: Add a little Kewpie mayo or cheese to your ramen bowl. This shin ramen hack makes super creamy ramen bowls.


Jalapeno picked egg ontop of a veggie packed ramen.


The Last Shin Ramen Hack – Ditch the Seasoning Packet 

I saved this upgrade for last because, in all honestly, sometimes I do opt for the seasoning packet added to the water. Hey, it’s tasty! Usually, I’ll only use a portion of it and add some other little additions of my own.

Below are some examples of broths you might make for your quick and easy at-home ramen.

  • Veggie scraps broth – boiling then straining veggie scraps from your freezer or another meal/dish
  • Homemade Chicken broth – using the carcass of a rotisserie chicken with some veggies such as onions, carrots and celery
  • And to doctor up store-bought veggie or chicken broth I might:
  • Add some miso paste to your instant ramen.
  • You can use broth from a box or bouillon, and some grocers even have ramen soup broth ready to go in a box, like this Organic Ramen Broth from Imagine.
  • Drop in some peanut and fish sauce for some Thai-inspired slurping.
  • Plop some curry paste and coconut milk for a coconut curry broth.

More on Ramen Broth

You can even make a Traditional Japanese Cuisine Ramen Broth. Note that this is a time-consuming process but also a work of art. There are different classifications of broth, Shio (salt) Shoyu (soy sauce), miso (fermented bean paste), and tonkotsu (pork).

For a basic (not traditional) yet quick broth, you can use some chicken or vegetable stock with some garlic, onion, and ginger powder, perhaps a little soy sauce, maybe some peanut butter, or even some chili peppers or hot sauce. You can get creative here.

Interested in a basic ramen broth recipe? Check out this recipe called Basic Ramen Broth by author Shohoko of the Chopstick Chronicles food blog! 


Ramen is Love

I hope you enjoyed these Instant Ramen Hacks. Create your personalized ramen masterpiece. Just remember to:

  • Bump up veggies
  • Add a bit of protein
  • Top with some aromatic oils
  • Include fresh flavors
  • Maybe even make your broth



Enjoy these 5 Shin Ramen Hacks?! Below are a few other articles and recipes you may enjoy.


Follow these steps and you will create a simple, quick, healthy yet satisfying meal.]

Original article from 1/28/23

32 Quick and Easy Flexitarian Dinner Ideas

32 Quick and Easy Flexitarian Dinner Ideas

Healthy Flexitarian Dinners

If you looking for flexitarian dinner ideas where we focus on plants and don’t sacrifice flavor you have come to the right place. In this article, we will explore a variety of mouthwatering Flexitarian dinner ideas and recipes that strike the perfect balance between flavors, textures, and nutrition. 

But first, a little more about Flexitarian Diets. 

Featured Image for 23 Flexitarian Dinner Ideas with 4 pictures of a soup, noodle bowl, a veggie burger, and a smoked fish salad

What is a Flexitarian Diet?

A flexitarian diet is a flexible and inclusive approach to eating that emphasizes plant-based foods while allowing for the occasional inclusion of meat or other animal products. The term “flexitarian” is a blend of “flexible” and “vegetarian,” capturing the essence of a dietary pattern that adapts to individual preferences and health goals.

Flexitarian Diet with question marks and a female with black hair pondering

Flexitarian Diet – Key Principles

Let’s keep things really simple with just three key principles

  1. Plant-focused healthy eating
  2. Occasional Inclusion of Meat, fish, or other animal products like milk, eggs, and yogurt. 
  3. Balanced Nutrition with healthy recipes

7 seperate bowls and plates with roasted root vegetables, walnut salad dressing, pickled beets, walnuts, cooked quinoa, and mixed greens.

Here are 23 Flexitarian Dinner Ideas

From hearty vegetable stir-fries to savory grain bowls and creatively crafted plant-centric dishes, flexitarian dinners celebrate the best of both worlds. Whether you’re a seasoned flexitarian or just exploring the concept, these healthy dinner ideas are sure to add vibrancy to your dining table.

Whether you are vegetarian, vegan, flexitarian, or something else, these meals will appeal to you on those busy weeknights. 

Grain Bowl with Tofu 

Savor the goodness of a Grain Bowl with Tofu where nutty grains meet savory tofu. Add some chopped fresh veggies with cucumber, onions, peppers, and greens for some added veggies.

Greens and Ancient Grain Bowl

Easy Baked Tofu

close up of baked tofu, rice and quinoa, cucumbers, chopped herbs, green pepper, watermelon rasdish sticks, and salad greens in a bowl as a salad. Topped with Creamy cashew dressing.

Vegan Yakisoba-inspired Noodles

Embrace the flavors of Vegan Yakisoba-inspired noodles. This is a plant-based delight that is inspired by Japanese cuisine. Add lots of veggies like mushrooms, edamame, spinach, and onions. Round this recipe out with some baked tofu or tempeh.

Vegan Yakisoba-Inspired Noodles

Noodle pull of oyster mushroom stir-fry noodles with black chopsticks

Soft Boiled Eggs with Toast and Sliced Turnips

Make Breakfast for dinner with Air-fryer soft-boiled eggs served over whole wheat toast, sliced turnips, and avocado!

Jammy Soft Boiled Eggs in Air Fryer

Soft Boiled Eggs on Toast with Sliced Turnips on a blue plate

Spicy Tahini Noodles with Jalapeno Pickled Eggs

I love spicy tahini noodles with jalapeno pickled eggs as an easy weeknight meal. Tahini sauces are simple to make and packed of flavor.

Noodles with Spicy Tahini Stir Fry Sauce

Stir Fry Noodle pull with chopsticks on a wooden cutting board.

Spicy Tuna with Crispy Rice

Spicy Tuna with Crispy Rice is one of my favorite easy weekday meals. Keep things even simpler buy serving this over a simple and quick sushi rice, no crisping needed!

Spicy Tuna with Crispy Rice

Two ceramic bowls full of crispy rice and spicy tuna pilled high. To the top left corner of the frame, is a small bowl of green onion garnish and a plate of crispy rice with a wooden spoon.

Quick & Easy Doctored Up Instant Ramen

I have relied on instant ramen for an easy healthy meal since college. I love to add eggs, vegetables (like frozen veggies), and other flavorings for a super easy meal any time of the week.

Vegan Kimchi Instant Ramen

Bonus! How to Upgrade Instant Ramen (5 Instant Ramen Hacks)

Jalapeno picked egg ontop of a veggie packed ramen.

Southwest Quinoa Bowl with Marinated Chicken

Southwest Quinoa Bowls with Marinated Chicken offers a satisfying blend of flavors with lots of nutrients like fiber, and protein.

Easy Southwest Bowls with Marinated Chicken

Southwest Bowl with quinoa and grilled southwest chicken breast in a white bowl with herb and lime garnish

Coconut Rice, Black Bean Mango Salad, and Grilled Shrimp

Option to enjoy the coconut rice and black bean mango salad without the shrimp for a vegetarian or vegan option for an easy weeknight dinner.

Easy Coconut Rice

Black Bean and Mango Salad

Grilled Shrimp with a Lemon Garlic Butter Sauce

Black Bean Mango Salad Bowl and Hands

Wild Rice and Black Bean Burger

Enjoy this burger with a whole wheat bun and either oven-roasted sweet potato wedges or a simple salad. I like to make extra burgers for future easy weeknight meals.

Wild Rice and Black Bean Burger Recipe

Two burgers with lettuce, tomato, onion, and jalapeno piled high.

Black Bean Burger Salad

Another veggies burger recipe variation! Serve this burger, with lots of greens and veggies!

Jacob’s Black Bean Burger Salad


Pasta with Goat Cheese Bake

Like the Tik Tok Baked Feta Pasta, my Pasta with Goat Cheese Bake is full of tomatoes and is served with pasta. I like to add a dollop of Harissa for an extra spicy kick.

Pasta with Goat Cheese Bake

Top down of veggies and goat cheese with herbs on a baking dish

Layered Arugula Salad with Smoked Fish

Feeling fancy one weeknight? Make this Layered Arugula Salad. Option to pickle your own beets or grab store-bought. However, using the slightly sweet Apple Walnut Dressing is fantastic with the blend of flavors and the smoked fish.

Layered Arugula and Spinach Salad with Smoked Trout

Layered Salad with smoked fish, pickled beets, and a creamy walnut dressing. To the right is linen napkin and a fork.

Mushroom Quiche

Another breakfast-for-dinner recipe! I have a lovely mushroom quiche recipe that is heavenly.

Pink Oyster Mushroom Quiche

Mushroom Quiche in a white pie pan with shredded cheeses to the left side of the image

Mexican Street Corn Soup

This is a Panera Copycat. My Mexican Street Corn Soup recipe is healthier and less expensive than eating out at Panera!

Copycat Panera Mexican Street Corn Soup

Creamy Panera Mexican Street Corn Soup top down image with spoon and a lime garnish with a sprinkling of fresh cilantro

A Very Veggie Chili

I LOVE a veggie-packed chili. Honestly, I prefer this over any meat chilis. The secret ingredient in this chili is riced cauliflower. It’s bulky like ground meat but its cauliflower!

Secret Ingredient Vegan Vegetable Chili

Vegan Vegetable Chili with tortilla chips to the right of the bowl. Toppings include vegan sour cream, cheese, orange bell peppers, and green onions.

Coconut Lime Chicken Chowder

This AIP-compliant meal was made for a friend. She was struggling to find a variety of AIP-compliant recipes. However, this recipe is so good, that no AIP-compliant restrictions are needed!

Coconut Lime Chicken Chowder (AIP-Compliant)

coconut lime chicken chowder in bowl with a lime wedge, a cream sauce, and minced herbs

Butternut Squash Farro “Risotto”

I love this recipe on a cold night. Every bite of this Spicy Butternut Squash Farro “Risotto” is warming and nutritious. Looking for more protein? Serve this with some rotisserie chicken or some sausages.

Spicy Butternut Squash Farro “Risotto”

Butternut Squash Farro with crispy sage in a stoneware bowl

Kale Caesar with Baked Tofu

I have a delicious Cashew Caesar recipe that includes NO mayo! Add Baked tofu or shredded chicken for a boost of protein.

Kale Caesar Salad

Cashew Caesar Dressing

Kale caesar croutons, peppers, capers, hemp hearts in a white bowl

Veggie Packed Vegan Fried Rice

My vegan friend’s rice recipe uses a tofu scramble instead of eggs! I love to use leftover rice in this recipe from a previous meal in the week.

Vegan Fried Rice

Tofu Scramble

vegan tofu fried rice in two white bowls garnished with fresh herbs

Apple Pecan Chicken Salad Sandwiches

One of my go-to meal prep recipes is a chicken salad. I love the addition of fruit adding a sweet crunch in every bite.

Apple Pecan Chicken Salad

Chicken Salad Sandwich with a thick yellow tomato slice with a blue back drop

Air Fryer Wings with Salad

Air-Fryer Chicken Wings is a go-to air-fryer meal in my house. They are seriously better than at your local watering hole! Serve them alongside a Kale Apple Walnut Salad to round out the meal.

Air-Fryer Wings

Kale Apple Walnut Salad

Air fryer chicken wings in a air fryer basket on top of a blue checkered napkin

Arugula and Cottage Cheese Salad 

I am a cottage cheese girly and cottage cheese has so many applications! This salad is a great way to get creative with cottage cheese, I love it with some fresh farmers’ market tomatoes.

Arugula and Cottage Cheese Salad with Sliced Tomatoes

arugula and cottage cheese salad over sliced tomatoes with a balsamic vinaigrette to the top left hand corner of the image

Glass Noodle Salad with Crispy Tofu

Finally, my Glass Noodle Salad with Crispy Tofu. I love to pack this with shredded veggies like carrots. Top this with some Nuoc Cham Sauce and lots of fresh herbs!

Glass Noodle Salad

Easy Baked Tofu

Top down of glass noodle salad with baked tofu over top.

Interested in Learning More About Flexitarian Diets?

Check out these Resources on The Addy Bean!

  • Articles
  • Books
  • Podcasts


The Cleveland Clinic article about this Semi-Vegetarian Diet – What Is the Flexitarian Diet?

8 Easy Tips For Healthy Eating During The Holidays

8 Easy Tips For Healthy Eating During The Holidays

8 Tips for Healthy Eating During the Holidays: from a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Interested in learning about my 8 tips for healthy eating during the holidays, you’ve come to the right place! I love articles discussing ways to navigate the Holidays, like navigating healthy eating. I especially appreciate the article if it comes from someone with a nutrition background because I cringe at some of these influencers and their diet advice.

Here are my non-diet, professional advice on 8 tips for healthy eating during the holidays.


Healthy Eating During The Holidays Infographic with 8 tips, snowflakes, hot chocolate on a light blue background.


1. Avoid Skipping Meals 

Avoid skipping meals before the big feast and stick to your usual eating patterns.

Prioritizing a healthy breakfast marks the top of my list, as this sets the tone for mindful eating. Instead of viewing the special occasion as an excuse to overindulge, I treat it like any other day. 

Rather than fasting until the festive feast and risking over consumption in one sitting, I adhere to my usual eating pattern, steering clear of skipped meals. This approach maintains balance, ensuring I enjoy the holiday without overeating.

2. Choose a Smaller Plate

Many people, dietitians, healthcare practitioners, and scientists swear by the choose a smaller plate approach. The Delboeuf illusion, a phenomenon where the same quantity of food appears more substantial on a smaller plate compared to a larger one, is often cited in support. The theory behind using a smaller plate is that a fuller plate may seem more appealing and satisfying, potentially aiding in portion control. 

3. Portion Awareness

Select only the holiday dishes you genuinely desire to consume, and be conscious of your portion sizes. Embracing the simple practice of smaller servings and taking a pause before considering seconds can serve as an effective method to reduce calorie intake.

Speaking of taking a pause…

4. Pause and Reflect

Prior to indulging in seconds, implementing the straightforward action of waiting, approximately 15 to 20 minutes after completing your meal, can contribute to consuming fewer calories. 

This time frame enables your brain to fully process satiety signals. Furthermore, adopting a slow eating pace achieves a similar effect, providing ample time for your brain to register and respond to satiety cues.

5. Veggie Focus

Opt for a plate filled with nutritious vegetables as a prime strategy to prioritize healthier options. Begin by enjoying the veggies before savoring every bite of your other favorites, such as mac n’ cheese and flavorful stuffing.

6. Stay Active

Prioritize incorporating physical activity before and/or after a holiday feast. This not only aids in burning calories but also serves as a wonderful opportunity to bond with friends and family. 

Ever heard of a turkey tro, Santa Fun run, or winter stroll? Many opt to participate in a pre-feast race to build up an appetite. However, engaging in physical activity doesn’t require signing up for a 5K; a post-meal stroll or multiple walks throughout the day are excellent alternatives. Choosing to walk with loved ones provides a valuable chance to share quality, uninterrupted time together, so put aside the smartphones and take a stroll with the people who matter most.

7. Mindful Eating (& Drinking)

Practicing mindful eating during the holidays is crucial for fostering a healthier relationship with food, preventing overindulgence, and allowing individuals to fully savor and appreciate the culinary experiences without unnecessary excess.

Calories are inherent in the food and drinks we partake in. Numerous holiday beverages, including mulled apple cider, eggnog, and wine, carry high caloric and sugar content. Before reaching for a third cup of cider, contemplate opting for a glass of water, herbal tea, or sparkling water infused with a touch of refreshing apple cider flavor for that festive taste.

8. Relax, Unwind, & Enjoy

The most important holiday eating tip of all, relax, unwind, and enjoy!

Indulge in foods that genuinely bring you joy; if a bite doesn’t delight your taste buds, there’s no obligation to finish it—this principle extends to holiday feasts as well. Prioritize desserts that truly satisfy your sweet tooth, and if the aunt’s pumpkin pie doesn’t appeal, graciously attribute it to feeling full. 

Embrace mindful eating while relishing your favorite dishes, savoring each bite to enhance the overall dining experience. Avoid the trap of mindless eating by appreciating the aromas, flavors, appearance, texture, and emotional impact of the food. 

Give yourself permission to enjoy treats like pecan pie without unnecessary guilt, knowing that after the holiday, you can seamlessly return to your regular healthy eating habits.


Sarah Harper Photo_side profile

Like this article on 8 tips for healthy eating during the holidays? Try These Delicious Holiday Recipes!


Beverage – Snickerdoodle Martini

Side Dish – Roasted Sweet Potatoes and Brussels Sprouts with a Herbed Chestnut Topping

Salad – Kale Caesar Salad

Breakfast – Croffles aka Croissant Waffles [Gluten-free, Vegan]

Dessert – Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

Is Tofu Vegan? Everything You Need To Know & Recipes

Is Tofu Vegan? Everything You Need To Know & Recipes

Is Tofu Vegan? Tofu Questions Answered & 16 Recipe Ideas


Whether you are eating tofu because you are vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, flexitarian, or just love tofu, this article is for you. Now, let’s dive into some tofu questions and then 16 recipe ideas for your next tofu culinary adventure!


Is Tofu Vegan?

Yes! Tofu is a vegan food and is a popular choice among individuals looking to consume more plant-based protein. It is used in a wide variety of dishes as a meat or dairy substitute. 

However, some dishes like Mapo Tofu include animal protein like pork, it is important to check if ordering tofu dishes at restaurants is 100% plant-based if you follow a plant-based diet. It is always important to read the food labels of tofu products to ensure it is 100% plant-based if you follow a vegan diet. While most tofu is vegan-friendly there are some varieties like egg tofu that contain animal products. 


Glass noodle salad with crispy baked tofu laid overtop.


What is Tofu Made of?

The primary ingredient in tofu is soybeans. Soy milk is condensed into solid white blocks, a process similar to cheese making. Tofu can be made into various textures including silken, firm, and extra firm. 

Where Did Tofu Originate?

Tofu originated in China over 2000 years ago. You can learn a lot more about the theories of tofu’s origin here, on the Tofu Wikipedia page!

Is Tofu Healthy?

Tofu is a highly nutritious food and an excellent source of plant-based protein. As a bonus, tofu has all 9 essential amino acids. Something to note, the nutritional content of tofu can vary depending on the type (i.e. silken, firm, extra firm). 

Tofu has many health benefits. Approx. 3.5oz of firm tofu has ~144kcal and ~16g protein ~10g fat and ~3g carbohydrates with ~2g fiber. It is a good source of vitamins and minerals including calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, selenium, and B vitamins. Moreover, it is naturally low in sodium, and saturated fat, and is completely free of cholesterol. 


Creamy light green cilantro cashew dressing is sitting in a large bowl with crispy tofu.


16 Tofu Recipe Ideas

01 – Creamy Sauces

Whether it’s a sauce for dipping crackers or veggies, or a sauce for lasagna or pasta, tofu blended or crumbled into a sauce. 

Furthermore, the sauce can be customized to suit various cuisines and preferences making it a delicious addition to a wide range of vegan recipes. 


Cashew Caesar Dressing

02 – Vegan Nuggets

Tofu nuggets are a great way to use your air-fryer. These plant-based nuggests are a delicious, healthy, and plant-based alternative to chicken nuggets. 

03 – Tofu Tacos

Shredded tofu is delicious when sautéed and seasoned to your liking. Serve it in a tortilla with your favorite toppings like salsa, guacamole, shredded lettuce, and cheese.

04 – Thick Sweet Smoothies 

Enjoy Silken Tofu in a smoothie. Just like with soups, silken tofu blends to create a smooth and creamy texture. It is a nutritional boost while remaining neutral in flavor. 

Try it as an addition to many smoothie recipes like my Berry Bliss Smoothie or search the web for one like Eating Well’s Coffee Banana Smoothie.


Berry Bliss Smoothie being poured into a decorative glass. The glass is almost completely full. The color of the smoothie is purple-blueish.

05 – Stir-fry with Veggies and Rice

Enjoy tofu sautéed in a stir-fry. Extra-firm and firm tofu’s texture makes for an ideal ingredient to withstand the high heat of stir-frying resulting in a crispy exterior and a tender interior. 

Additionally, the tofu absorbs the flavors of the stir-fry sauce and compliments the other ingredients like veggies and rice. 

06 – Noodles with Baked Tofu

Make yourself a delectable noodle dish like my Spicy Tahini Noodles or Glass Noodle Salad. Whether hot or cold, topping your noodles with some tofu makes for a hearty and filling component to the dish. 


Top down of glass noodle salad with baked tofu over top.


07 – Silken Tofu in Soup

Whether it’s an ingredient in a fragrant miso soup or blended into a soup to make it velvety and smooth, silken tofu can be a versatile ingredient in various soup recipes. It adds creaminess and nutrition. 

08 – Tofu Appetizer with Dipping Sauce

Enjoy my Easy Baked Tofu or a deep-fried tofu as an appetizer. Baked tofu is a versatile, plant-based protein. It can be wrapped into a lettuce wrap, served on skewers, or served alone with a simple dipping sauce. 


Creamy light green cilantro cashew dressing is sitting in a large bowl with crispy tofu.


09 – Flavorful Curries

Another excellent way to use any type of tofu is in a curry. Try simmering tofu in a fragrant Thai green curry sauce made with coconut milk, green curry paste, and vegetables. Then, serve it over steamed rice.

10 – Grain Bowl with Tofu

I love a nutritious grain bowl full of veggies for lunch. Bump up the protein by adding some baked, grilled, fried, or sautéed tofu to your lunch creation. 

Easy Baked Tofu is marvelous overtop my Greens and Ancient Grains Bowl or Southwest Quinoa Bowl recipes!


close up of baked tofu, rice and quinoa, cucumbers, chopped herbs, green pepper, watermelon rasdish sticks, and salad greens in a bowl as a salad. Topped with Creamy cashew dressing.


11 – Grilled Tofu

Think thick slices grilled (extra firm tofu) or tofu skewers basted in a marinade for your grilled tofu culinary adventure. The smoky charred flavor is pleasing and creates a crispy exterior while maintaining a tender interior. 

12 – Silky Desserts

Silken tofu’s neutral flavor and silky texture make it ideal for making smooth and nutritious desserts. It makes a terrific base for creamy desserts like puddings, mousses, and cheesecakes. 

It is a healthier alternative to heavy cream while adding its plant-based protein. Tofu in dessert is like a tofu chocolate mousse. Blend silken tofu with melted chocolate, a sweetener like maple syrup, and a dash of vanilla to make a rich and creamy vegan chocolate mousse.


chocolate chips in a bwol bowl on top of a cutting board. Chocolate chips are scattered on the cutting board.

13 – Pot Pies or Other Casseroles

Tofu can be used as a vegetarian or vegan protein source in pot pies, casseroles, and other baked dishes. It absorbs the flavors well and is a great meat alternative. 

14 – Tofu Scramble 

Tofu Scrambles can be used in a variety of ways and are commonly used as an egg replacement. Use it in fried rice (like in this Vegan Veggie Fried Rice recipe), spooned over toast with breakfast or as an ingredient in breakfast tacos. 

My recipe for Tofu Scramble is a terrific option for breakfast and brunch!


Tofu Scramble with a grey serving spoon dipped into the white bowl with golden yellow tofu crumbles.

15 – Smoked Tofu in Sandwiches or Wraps

Smoked tofu has a unique and savory flavor. Moreover, the smoked flavor adds depth and richness to sandwiches, wraps, salads, appetizers, grain bowls, and stir-fries. 

16 – Dried Tofu

Lastly, Dried tofu added to ramen or other camping meals (just add water!) makes for an easy and delicious plant-based camping or backpacking experience. You can also make ramen at home and throw some dried tofu in with the water for an easy weekday meal. Check out my Easy Vegan Kimchi Ramen recipe!


Jalapeno picked egg ontop of a veggie packed ramen.

Final Thoughts and More Recipes!

While I provided many recipe ideas in this article, tofu has many more culinary applications I encourage you to explore. Its mild flavor and ability to absorb different flavors and seasonings make it an excellent choice for both sweet and savory applications. 

Like these ideas? Check out these other recipes, they also pair well with a tofu addition!

Baked Tofu with a Garlic Sweet Soy Glaze

A bowl with dark and thick Garlic Sweet Soy glaze. A spoon hovering above the bowl with the glaze dripping down. Noted in the background a plate of vegetables with the glaze drizzled over top.

Sheet Pan Veggies

Kale Apple Walnut Salad

Image of Kale Apple Walnut Salad