Flexitarian Resources: Podcasts

by Sarah Harper MS, RD, LDN | Jan 30, 2024 | Education | 0 comments

Here are some flexitarian podcasts I recommend!
Hi, I’m Sarah Harper, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist passionate about cooking, eating, and sharing all things food! At The Addy Bean, you’ll find a variety of flexitarian recipes designed to inspire and empower you to explore the delicious world of plant-based eating. My mission is to make plant-forward meals approachable, enjoyable, and part of your everyday life!

Flexitarian Resources: Podcasts

South Bites A Nutrition Podcast

  • Episode 237: The How & Why of Flexitarian Eating – Dawn Jackson Blatner & Amanda Blechman from. 
  • Episode 238: How Flexitarianism Supports a Healthy Relationship with Food – Chelsey Amer, Dawn Jackson Blatner & Amanda Blechman. 
  • Episode 239: How Flexitarianism Can Reduce Food Waste & Save Money – Rosanne Rust, Dawn Jackson Blatner & Amanda Blechman 

Liz’s Healthy Table Podcast

  • Episode 97: Eat Like A Flexitarian…With a Side of Joy with DJ Blatner, RDN.

What You’re Eating


Here & Now


Sarah Harper in her kitchen with a cutting board, broccoli, carrots, and a fruit bowl.
Registered Dietitian at Addy Bean LLC | Website |  + posts

Hi, I’m Sarah Harper, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist passionate about cooking, eating, and sharing all things food! At The Addy Bean, you’ll find a variety of flexitarian recipes designed to inspire and empower you to explore the delicious world of plant-based eating. My mission is to make plant-forward meals approachable, enjoyable, and part of your everyday life!